As a volunteer organization, we rely on friends, family, neighbors, colleagues (and their friends, family, etc.) to help us fulfill our mission.

Some projects, like the Bee Faire and the Evening with the Stars, are annual events. Others, like the TRPRs and median maintenance, are ongoing. You choose what matches your interest and availability.

Non-profits always need money! Donate toward a specific project or let us decide how to put your dollars to work. Our overhead is minuscule -- around 95 cents of every dollar goes directly to programs. If you are interested in leaving a legacy, consider an endowment.

Volunteer your special skill: Whether it's cooking or computers, organizing or implementing, brainwork or muscle work, we appreciate your talents and willingness to share them with us and with our town.
If you’d just like to keep up with what we’re doing, become a member! All that’s needed is your name and email address. You may also join us as a supporting member with a $25 annual family membership. We’ll keep you updated with agendas and minutes of our bimonthly meetings. If there’s a topic you would like to bring up for discussion, just let us know and we’ll add it to the agenda. Sign up here.
You’re also welcome to join us for a meeting. We normally meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Presbyterian Church, 2250 Yorkshire Drive, Room 4. Meetings can also be accessed via Zoom. Links are sent with meeting agendas.
To get in touch, call 805 927 1934 or email us.