Cambria lies in one of five remaining native Monterey pine forests in the world — three on the Central Coast and two on islands off Baja California, Mexico. The Monterey pine is on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of threatened/endangered species.
Our Cambria stand has shrunk by more than one third since 1965. The forest used to reach from the top of Lodge Hill to the sea. Residential building, disease, and vegetation removal have been major factors in the forest’s decline.
Beautify Cambria, in collaboration with the Cambria Forest Committee and GREENSPACE – The Cambria Land Trust, produced a two-page brochure providing some background on our forest, outlining regulations concerning tree removal, and providing tips on planing and maintaining Monterey pines and other forest habitat.
The brochure was originally designed as a resource for homeowners, particularly those new to Cambria who might not be aware of the obligations of living in a forest. It is now more widely distributed and is available here for download in PDF format.

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“At Home in the Forest” in full screen mode.
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